Andy Gullahorn

Executive Producer, Writer, Host

Lee is an Alabamian by birth, has always loved music, and got the crazy idea for Tokens some years back when he realized that the musicians have been trying for centuries to sort out good ways to say all the important things theologians try to say, too; that, plus it occurred to him one day that the only job he might like more than the job he already had as a college professor would be Garrison Keillor’s job. See more on this tale on our ABOUT page. He has most recently been learning to play the upright bass. He is married to a wonderful woman named Laura, and they have three very fine sons.

Lee is Professor of Theology & Ethics at Lipscomb University in Nashville, teaching undergraduate courses as well as graduate theology seminars in the Hazelip School of Theology at Lipscomb. He completed his undergrad studies at Lipscomb (B.A., 1989), and graduate studies at Abilene Christian University (M.A., M.Div., 1993) and University of Notre Dame (M.A., 1997, Ph.D., 1999). He is the author of MERE DISCIPLESHIP: RADICAL CHRISTIANITY IN A REBELLIOUS WORLD (Brazos Press, 2003; 2nd edition, summer 2008) and WHO IS MY ENEMY:  QUESTIONS AMERICAN CHRISTIANS MUST FACE ABOUT ISLAM AND THEMSELVES (Brazos Press, 2011); plus numerous other articles.  Lee has a personal website at LEECCAMP.COM.
